10 Basics You Must Know About Nose Surgery

 People with crooked noses, bridged noses, or disorders in nasal appearance want to fix it. The nose surgery in London provides world-class professional medical help in improving nose shape. People from all around the world could benefit from this high-quality service of a highly trained medical experts’ team. Now you could rely on these high-profile plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons or otolaryngologists (ENT) to give you improved nasal features. Many people have a twisted nose, or their nasal feature gets distorted in an accident which would cause any sort of complexity in them. So, instead of living with insecurity of the complexity of the distorted prominent nasal feature, it’s time to medically get it done. This article sheds light on 10 basics one must know about nose surgery. 

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty means altering the shape of the nose through surgery. Similarly, people who want to improve breathing or boost their appearance of the nose are the two major motivations for rhinoplasty for many people. Before going for rhinoplasty (nose surgery) consult your doctor if you should go for nose surgery. The medical professionals might help you in a briefing about the best circumstances and medical process which would be of your benefit. Usually, skin, cartilage and bone alteration are the three aspects of which rhinoplasty works on. 

10 Basics you Must Know About Nose Surgery

There are 10 basics you must know about nose surgery which is as follows. 

Choose Surgeon Wisely

Choosing a surgeon for rhinoplasty is the most important task. The most difficult cosmetic surgery is rhinoplasty. So the slightest error in surgery could lead to a perpetual deformity in one's life. 


An experienced surgeon is what you need in rhinoplasty. No plastic surgeon could 100% guarantee success in rhinoplasty. Only an experienced surgeon could perform near perfection, so choose the experienced one.  

Realistic Approach

Man can’t absolutely perform nature’s work! So be realistic in your approach to rhinoplasty. As this is a state-of-art if reshaping a nose. 

Looks could Vary From Person-to-Person

The shape of the nose, size and appearance could vary from one person to another. For example, on one person a slim nose would look more attractive and on another, a button nose would look more appealing. The difference comes from the facial features of one person which definitely varies from another one. 

Natural Appearance

The best nose surgery is one that gives a more natural appearance to your face, rather than an artificial look. Look for a nose shape, size which goes in harmony with overall facial features. 

Bad Genes Consequences

Keep in mind bad genes have their own consequences. Even a nasal surgery is done with articulate care and top-class surgeons could go wrong. Poor skin and weak cartilage could ruin a nicely done rhinoplasty. 

All Factors Count

All factors of a facial feature count in rhinoplasty. The good general health of skin, firm nasal cartilage or clear complexion with youthful skin would reap the best results in nose surgery. 

Well-Proportioned Nasal Skeleton

A secret of the best and lasting beauty is the well-proportioned and stronger nasal skeleton. An unsightly deformity could be produced in reshaping the nose by removing a large amount of tip cartilage which weakens the skeleton support of the nose. 


Rhinoplasty requires patience as the surgery could cause swelling or unusual redness for weeks or months. Take some precautionary measures such as avoiding sunlight exposure to your face etc. 

Perfection Doesn’t Exist

Don’t obsess yourself with the perfection of rhinoplasty. If you have the slightest error left in a surgery, avoid revision surgery ( it’s quite risky!)

Take Away

Before heading to nose surgery. Be realistic in your approach and keep the top 10 basics of nose surgery in your mind. 


  1. طرق علاج الدوالي
    دوالي الساقين يتم من خلال ثلاثة تقنيات مختلفة، التقنية الأولى هي الجراحية، وتكون في دوالي الساقين في الحالات المتقدمة، ثم هناك تقنية إزالة الدوالي بالليزر، وهي المفضلة لأنها غير جراحية ونتائجها رائعة، وأخيراً تقنية حقن الدوالي الساقين وهي الأحدث بين التقنيات.

  2. اصبحت تكلفة عملية تحويل المسار في مصر مناسبة جدا بعد التخفيضات والعروض التي يقدمها مركز الدكتور احمد عبد السلام افضل واكبر مركز متخصص في علاج مرضي السمنة في مصر , المركز مجهز علي اعلي مستوي ومزود بكافة الامكانيات اللازمة لاجراء هذا النوع من العملية.

  3. عندما تقرر شراء لمبات سمارت لايت فلابد أن تتعامل مع مكان موثوثق وذو خبرة كشركة المصرية السعودية أفضل شركة لمبات سمارت لايت في مصر والشرق الاوسط بأكمله , وبالنسبة لاسعارها فاسعاره لن يختلف عليها اثنين فهي مناسبة للغاية وغير مرتفعه اي انها تناسب كل شخص بيجهز شقته ويبحث عن منتج عالي الجودة.

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